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22 Mar

After the long wait,
the raindrop finally fell,
it dropped on the lake
where it drew perfect circle
putting life in the stillness.


22 Mar

Wind chimes at my back

whisper vaguely through my ears

its reverence locked.

I can’t control the power,

it’s feeding my soul with fire.


22 Mar


the bridge casts shadows

the lily that blooms in May

you pluck the blossom,

look pass my eyes and extend

your hand that never touches mine.

Window to the World

22 Mar

From inside, I looked

at the world through my window.

T’was not a good sight.

I  wiped and cleaned the window,

world was beautiful again.


22 Mar

Rustle of cogon

grass growing thick on the field,

endlessly dancing,

along with the sweeping breeze,

show survival despite strife.

A Long Wait

22 Mar

The tree beside the

mailbox burst of orange blooms

over finger-shaped

leaves that stretched across the sky.

That Tuesday his letters came.

A Pursuit

19 Mar

A faint dusty light

enters like a brother’s sword

against the curtains.

Asleep soundly, in my room

I didn’t see it coming.

Tainted Mind

19 Mar

The leaking pipeline

releasing dirty waters

before my clean feet

is present’s reality

freed in imagination.

Guitar Lessons

19 Mar

The guitar’s broken.

Parent’s gift for her birthday,

shorter hair by then.

She’s thrilled but changed, stopped playing

And now her hair is longer.